Friday, December 29, 2017

Reversed Priestess

Dec 29, 2017
Reversed Priestess

The High Priestess is often equated to the Moon, or the veiled Isis, sister and wife of Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth. The book from which she is reading contains all the mysteries of both life and death, which she guards and shares with her initiates. Although a good teacher, she is also a slightly remote, self-contained figure who usually requires the help of more practical spirits to make her insights function in reality.
Reversed, the card stands for shallowness, delusion, and selfishness - the tendency to assume that one is always right. despite contrary evidence. Poor judgement follows from a gullible acceptance of wishful occult thinking.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Dec 28, 2017

Life is often unfair, and luck counts for more than we care to admit in realizing our dreams. Opposed to this, however, is the natural human thirst for fairness represented by the eighth card of the Major Arcana which recalls Themis, the ancient Greek goddess of Justice, with her scales and her sword of discernment, in this case supported by the dragon of higher wisdom. She represents an ideal that we may strive toward.
Justice reveals a judgement in your favor as you receive your just rewards. This can be uncomfortable for those who have strayed beyond morality, but usually this card signals good fortune for you and a happy outcome to current negotiations. The card signals a good time for drawing up contracts, settling outstanding debts and obligations, and laying the foundations for the future.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Reversed Eight of Cups

Dec 27, 2017
Reversed Eight of Cups

Gaiety, joy, and fellowship follow upon the realization of a dream achieved through perseverance and hard work. Difficult choices have been made and you have probably often wondered if you have been simply chasing a fantasy, but here you have the result.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Dec 26, 2017

The young couple joining hands within the dragon's embrace are entering the adventure of a shared life, buoyed by the optimism of youth and within the embrace of high wisdom. There may be troubles ahead, but for now the pair take simple joy in each other's company, confident that together they will be a match for anything that comes. The card suggests a happy union in either the private or work spheres.
Generally this card represents love or friendship on the worldly plane, marking a kindling or re-kindling of affection after troubles have been overcome. A major commitment could seriously affect the course of your life, and the climate is right for it to be a lasting and fruitful union. Complete honesty and trust are all that are needed to make the union work.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Dec 23, 2017

With one hand on the wand, the Magician gazes thoughtfully down at the symbols of the four Tarot suits, contemplating his next move. They are emblems of the four elements, whose interactions create the endless variety of life; and by the judicious balancing of one against the other, enchantment can be brought into the world. The Magician is related to Hermes the messenger, patron of tricksters and alchemists.
This card signals originality and inventiveness. This is a lucky time for new undertakings. Everything will come together, and when you speak you will be believed because of your evident sense. Inspiration, too, will come when you most need it, helping you tackle unforeseen challenges.This is a good time to travel and favors any travel plans you have.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Reversed Knight of Cups

Dec 22, 2017
Reversed Knight of Cups

Like all crushed romantics, the Knight reversed becomes cynical, bitter, deceitful, treacherous, and self-serving. The card symbolizes loss and the bitterness disappointment can bring, and its poisonous effect on relationships.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Six of Pentacles

Dec 21, 2017
Six of Pentacles

A very promising outlook for new ventures is forecast, which calls for the exercise of all your best talents. Creativity flourishes in this situation, so bring out the artist or craftsman in you and do your best. You have a chance to prove your mastery to the world and reap the rewards. Integrity is everything.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Dec 20, 2017

As the High Priestess stands at the gate of the Otherworld, the Empress guards this one. She represents the middle aspect of the the triple goddess who as Venus seduces man with her delicate charms, as Gaia or Demeter tends the garden of this world in which children grow to maturity, and as Isis ushers them into the next. The Empress is the ideal, selfless mother.
A mother, or mother-like figure, either a symbol of one's own mother or a reminder of the ideal. However, this card can simply signal a time of fertility and abundance. As a ruler the Empress is wise, generous, and scrupulously fair, giving a lead by subtle hint and example rather than direct order. This card suggests action and worldly success for any imminent enterprise, whether it be marriage, work or art.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Dec 19, 2017

With one hand on the wand, the Magician gazes thoughtfully down at the symbols of the four Tarot suits, contemplating his next move. They are emblems of the four elements, whose interactions create the endless variety of life; and by the judicious balancing of one against the other, enchantment can be brought into the world. The Magician is related to Hermes the messenger, patron of tricksters and alchemists.
This card signals originality and inventiveness. This is a lucky time for new undertakings. Everything will come together, and when you speak you will be believed because of your evident sense. Inspiration, too, will come when you most need it, helping you tackle unforeseen challenges.This is a good time to travel and favors any travel plans you have.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Eight of Swords

Dec 18, 2017
Eight of Swords

Criticism, blame, or possible illness frustrate your plans and require patience to overcome. Judgement is tried and tested at times like this, but it is important to remember that there is no better way to test the value of your beliefs, especially if you have the humility to adapt them to reality.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Reversed Ten of Pentacles

Dec 15, 2017
Reversed Ten of Pentacles

Modest success is indicated. Your idea has worked but few recognize its full value, so you are left with having to content yourself with the knowledge that you have done a good job that might be appreciated one day. Family problems are likely when the Ten is reversed.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Dec 14, 2017

Few people relish the appearance of Death, but it is rarely a warning of physical death. This unlucky thirteenth card can represent calamity and endings, but mostly it signals fresh beginnings, for which something has to give way. The card signals the passage from one stage of life to another, which may involve sacrifice and pain, but there is no other way to renewal.
This card represents a creative revolution or transformation of life, probably involving the loss of friendly, family, or business connections, but only as the prelude to a fresh and rewarding phase of life. In physical health it can warn of a potential crisis if you pay no attention to warning signals, but the card is usually more concerned with spiritual health and the need for periodic renewal to avoid stagnation.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Reversed Ten of Pentacles

Dec 13, 2017
Reversed Ten of Pentacles

Modest success is indicated. Your idea has worked but few recognize its full value, so you are left with having to content yourself with the knowledge that you have done a good job that might be appreciated one day. Family problems are likely when the Ten is reversed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Reversed Ace of Pentacles

Dec 12, 2017
Reversed Ace of Pentacles

Modest gain or empty prosperity, the curse of Midas, is forecast. If you neglect to share out any good fortune that comes your way it could end in loneliness. Alternatively, the card may warn of being at the mercy of a greedy and selfish person.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Three of Cups

Dec 11, 2017
Three of Cups

A fresh start leading to success is offered. Problems that have been troubling you for a while will finally be resolved, leading to a renewed sense of purpose and direction. This card can signal the birth of a new child, new love, friendship, or even career: whichever it is will lead to joy and abundance.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Reversed Knight of Swords

Dec 09, 2017
Reversed Knight of Swords

This card represents arrogance, recklessness and misguided aggression. Instead of the courage to do battle if necessary, the Knight has become addicted to the thrill of fighting for its own sake.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Four of Swords

Dec 08, 2017
Four of Swords

A temporary relief from struggle. Use solitude to plan a way forward because the chances are that much will be demanded of you again soon. This can refer to either health or your personal life. Remember, with hindsight all the best achievements involve triumph over adversity.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Reversed Priestess

Dec 07, 2017
Reversed Priestess

The High Priestess is often equated to the Moon, or the veiled Isis, sister and wife of Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth. The book from which she is reading contains all the mysteries of both life and death, which she guards and shares with her initiates. Although a good teacher, she is also a slightly remote, self-contained figure who usually requires the help of more practical spirits to make her insights function in reality.
Reversed, the card stands for shallowness, delusion, and selfishness - the tendency to assume that one is always right. despite contrary evidence. Poor judgement follows from a gullible acceptance of wishful occult thinking.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Two of Swords

Dec 05, 2017
Two of Swords

Friendship, including possible reconciliation with an old enemy, shows the way forward. Often the most fruitful partnerships are those based on underlying conflict because that way all the angles are covered, whereas like-minded people can simply reinforce each other's prejudices and only later discover their limitations in the wider world.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Nine of Cups

Dec 04, 2017
Nine of Cups

Victory and success come your way as several long-held dreams come true. Share your good luck with others, and it will be multiplied. this is a good time for looking forward and making fresh plans for the future, because your confidence will be infectious. Several new and stimulating friends are likely to enter your life.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Reversed Page of Cups

Dec 02, 2017
Reversed Page of Cups

The card represents an unwillingness to accept responsibility as fickleness, childishness, and self- absorption are masked as obedience. Such people can flatter others into taking them on, but will be unable to live up to the expectations they raise.

Friday, December 1, 2017


Dec 01, 2017

The Angel Gabriel calls the world to Judgement and the birth of a new age. A line is drawn under the past and accounts are settled as the foundation for a fresh start in life. This could signal a promotion at work or branching out in a new direction. Either way, a fresh approach to life is needed, so now is the time to measure your strengths and address your weaknesses in preparation for the future.
This card signals the ending of one stage of life and the beginning of another. It is a moment for reflection and self-judgement, measuring what you have achieved against the ideals you were aiming for, because fresh opportunities to achieve them will arise. Armed with honest self-appraisal, you will be best poised to take advantage of them. Meanwhile, it pays to be generous in your judgement of others.

Thursday, November 30, 2017


Nov 30, 2017

The Angel of Time carefully pours the Water of Life from one vase into the other, signifying on one level the blending of past and present to produce understanding with depth. The pouring can also signify the blending of spirit and matter and the reverse, leading to fruitfulness and prosperity. The dragon in the background is keeping guard so that life can prosper in the sheltered valley.
Discipline, patience, restraint, and thoughtfulness lead to happiness and quiet success. Creativity and contentment go hand in hand. This is not a card of fame and glory, but of the simple pleasures of daily life properly appreciated. It represents compromise in its most creative sense, and the ideal conditions for raising a family or cultivating a long-term career.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Reversed Page of Swords

Nov 29, 2017
Reversed Page of Swords

The card represents a nasty surprise because of someone's deviousness, dishonesty, and false friendship. Their discretion has become a love of secrecy in itself and for the power it gives over others.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Two of Swords

Nov 28, 2017
Two of Swords

Friendship, including possible reconciliation with an old enemy, shows the way forward. Often the most fruitful partnerships are those based on underlying conflict because that way all the angles are covered, whereas like-minded people can simply reinforce each other's prejudices and only later discover their limitations in the wider world.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Nine of Wands

Nov 27, 2017
Nine of Wands

You enjoy well-earned success gained through honesty, hard work, and intelligence. However, troubles are brewing on the horizon, and you are soon likely to be tested to the very limits of your patience and ability. Take the time now to cultivate key allies, and check too that your finances are robust enough to cope with unexpected demands.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Reversed Eight of Wands

Nov 24, 2017
Reversed Eight of Wands

Disharmony, quarrels, and rivalry all threaten to disrupt your plans. Rushed commitments come back to haunt you, and impatience could lead you into other choices that you will equally regret. Be cautious, and wait for the conditions to change.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Nov 22, 2017

Few people relish the appearance of Death, but it is rarely a warning of physical death. This unlucky thirteenth card can represent calamity and endings, but mostly it signals fresh beginnings, for which something has to give way. The card signals the passage from one stage of life to another, which may involve sacrifice and pain, but there is no other way to renewal.
This card represents a creative revolution or transformation of life, probably involving the loss of friendly, family, or business connections, but only as the prelude to a fresh and rewarding phase of life. In physical health it can warn of a potential crisis if you pay no attention to warning signals, but the card is usually more concerned with spiritual health and the need for periodic renewal to avoid stagnation.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Nov 21, 2017

The Fool represents the wild optimism of youth, rushing into adventures with no thought for the consequences. Although this impulsiveness often leads to disaster, especially in mature people who should know better, it is what makes the world turn. The dragonet snapping at the Fool's foot symbolizes his cautious conscience, warning him not to get too carried away and fall off the edge.
A new beginning with fresh adventures ahead, although there is a very real danger of it all going horribly wrong. The bag on the Fool's shoulder represents natural talents that he could employ usefully if he took the trouble to open the bag, but he generally doesn't. For wild optimists this card is a warning to try to temper enthusiasms with a little common sense. For pessimists, it suggests lightening up a bit.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Reversed Eight of Pentacles

Nov 20, 2017
Reversed Eight of Pentacles

There is a danger of wasting the opportunities in front of you through vanity and indiscipline. Thinking purely in the short term means that you are likely to miss a very real chance to make an impact upon the world. Avoid borrowing money just now.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Reversed Magician

Nov 18, 2017
Reversed Magician

With one hand on the wand, the Magician gazes thoughtfully down at the symbols of the four Tarot suits, contemplating his next move. They are emblems of the four elements, whose interactions create the endless variety of life; and by the judicious balancing of one against the other, enchantment can be brought into the world. The Magician is related to Hermes the messenger, patron of tricksters and alchemists.
Lack of confidence, vision, and persuasiveness combine to produce confusion and failure; or someone close is playing tricks and is not who they seem. Either way, this is a bad omen for new ventures and caution is urged. it pays to discuss plans with trusted friends.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Reversed Eight of Pentacles

Nov 17, 2017
Reversed Eight of Pentacles

There is a danger of wasting the opportunities in front of you through vanity and indiscipline. Thinking purely in the short term means that you are likely to miss a very real chance to make an impact upon the world. Avoid borrowing money just now.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

King of Cups

Nov 16, 2017
King of Cups

The King is generous, honest, level-headed, kind, and cultured. He takes his responsibilities seriously and champions peace and the arts of civilization. He can be a formidable opponent in war, but only as a last resort. He is a great patron of the arts and sciences, and when in a favorable position in a spread his presence should be taken as encouragement to make plans on a grand scale.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Reversed Nine of Pentacles

Nov 15, 2017
Reversed Nine of Pentacles

This signals a time of struggle, with barely adequate rewards and all kinds of unforeseen dangers and deceptions threatening to disrupt your life. Past immoralities may now catch up with you and demand their price.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Reversed Page of Swords

Nov 14, 2017
Reversed Page of Swords

The card represents a nasty surprise because of someone's deviousness, dishonesty, and false friendship. Their discretion has become a love of secrecy in itself and for the power it gives over others.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Knight of Swords

Nov 13, 2017
Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is bold and enthusiastic, but also imaginative and clever like his Queen. He is a great champion of good causes and inspires others by his idealism and dedication to any cause he adopts. He is decisive and, while others dither over a course of action, he will just plunge headlong into it and generally win the day. He is a symbol of creative upheaval, usually leading to success.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Reversed Nine of Wands

Nov 11, 2017
Reversed Nine of Wands

You are likely to be tested to the very limits of your patience. Be flexible and patient - you have the resources to cope and eventually turn the situation to your advantage. Beware of rash commitments, and safeguard your health.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Reversed Death

Nov 10, 2017
Reversed Death

Few people relish the appearance of Death, but it is rarely a warning of physical death. This unlucky thirteenth card can represent calamity and endings, but mostly it signals fresh beginnings, for which something has to give way. The card signals the passage from one stage of life to another, which may involve sacrifice and pain, but there is no other way to renewal.
The reversed Death card is bad news, but rarely is its message catastrophic. It warns of of lethargy, inertia, and resistance to to change, leading to exhaustion and standstill. Clinging too much to the past can lead to an inability to adapt to changing conditions. Beware of becoming a caricature of your old self.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Nov 09, 2017

The female subduing the dragon represents humanity taming its wilder instincts and channeling them to useful purpose. Unlike St. George who merely killed his dragon, she tames hers and gains its respect, adding its strengths to her own and becoming invincible. She is related to Artemis, or Diana the Huntress, and other pagan Queens of the Beasts.
This card signifies success through meeting problems head-on and overcoming them by strength of will. Perseverance, courage, and determination combined with intelligence and modesty make an irresistible combination not only for tackling adversity but for encouraging others to come to your assistance. The strength of this card inspires others because it's triumph benefits all.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Nov 08, 2017

The High Priestess is often equated to the Moon, or the veiled Isis, sister and wife of Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth. The book from which she is reading contains all the mysteries of both life and death, which she guards and shares with her initiates. Although a good teacher, she is also a slightly remote, self-contained figure who usually requires the help of more practical spirits to make her insights function in reality.
Inspiration, learning, mystery, understanding of the inner workings of life enlightenment, and serenity are all represented by this card, with a hint that serenity can sometimes lead to emotional detachment from daily events. Often this card implies that hidden spiritual factors are currently affecting your life, so look carefully within, or consult a respected advisor.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ten of Swords

Nov 07, 2017
Ten of Swords

Traditionally this is the unluckiest card in the Tarot deck, being the ruling number of the unluckiest suit. As such it signals calamity on almost any front - health, finances, or romance - but it can also mean the ending of pointless commitments and the beginning of a fresh and wonderful stage of your life.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Nine of Pentacles

Nov 06, 2017
Nine of Pentacles

You are likely to receive substantial reward for your accomplishments, and you will be able to afford to relax and enjoy your more contemplative inclinations. Don’t shut out your family and friends, however, because they have had to put up with your darker moods and have probably helped you through them much more than you know.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Reversed Death

Nov 04, 2017
Reversed Death

Few people relish the appearance of Death, but it is rarely a warning of physical death. This unlucky thirteenth card can represent calamity and endings, but mostly it signals fresh beginnings, for which something has to give way. The card signals the passage from one stage of life to another, which may involve sacrifice and pain, but there is no other way to renewal.
The reversed Death card is bad news, but rarely is its message catastrophic. It warns of of lethargy, inertia, and resistance to to change, leading to exhaustion and standstill. Clinging too much to the past can lead to an inability to adapt to changing conditions. Beware of becoming a caricature of your old self.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Two of Swords

Nov 03, 2017
Two of Swords

Friendship, including possible reconciliation with an old enemy, shows the way forward. Often the most fruitful partnerships are those based on underlying conflict because that way all the angles are covered, whereas like-minded people can simply reinforce each other's prejudices and only later discover their limitations in the wider world.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Two of Cups

Nov 02, 2017
Two of Cups

Friendship and romance are in the air. New and profitable partnerships at work are also likely and could change the long-term direction of your life. The beginning of any relationship lays its foundations and shapes its development, so now is a time for putting aside all selfish and petty urges. Be your best self, and it will bring out the best in others.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Reversed Queen of Pentacles

Oct 31, 2017
Reversed Queen of Pentacles

The Queen becomes greedy, spiteful, extravagant, suspicious, demanding, and full of complaints about the ingratitude of the world. She is blind to other's good intentions. Beware of succumbing to her oddly persuasive views.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Reversed Two of Swords

Oct 30, 2017
Reversed Two of Swords

An old enemy or rival offers a truce, but they are not being completely honest. Falsehood and duplicity are suggested by this card, and someone will let you down. Tread carefully; have several escape routes planned.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Seven of Pentacles

Oct 27, 2017
Seven of Pentacles

The seven foretells a truly rewarding time. The possibilities before you are quite awesome, but do think in the long-term. Decide who you are and what you would like to be remembered for by your family and friends. The choices you face are that important. Destiny is at work.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Reversed Four of Cups

Oct 26, 2017
Reversed Four of Cups

New and rewarding friendships will help blow the cobwebs out of your life and suggest novel solutions to several long-standing problems. However, do beware over-indulgence that could threaten your health.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

The Moon of inspiration rises over the gateway to the unconscious while dragons serenade it and the crab or crayfish of Cancer hesitates, scared of leaving it's natural medium. This card suggests the need to shake off convention and follow your instincts and intuitions. Pay attention to your dreams, because they will be full of hints of how to address the major issue that has arisen, or is about to.
A choice needs to be made that could determine your happiness for a long time ahead. You need to be guided by intuition and feelings when making this choice, but at the same time there is a real danger of delusion, of being misled by wishful thinking, or by someone whose judgement you trust. Times like this are true tests of character and your grasp on reality.