Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ten of Wands

June 30, 2012
Ten of Wands

Exhaustion threatens as you try to juggle the conflicting demands of work and family. Try to step back and reorganize your life in a more practical and realistic way, rather than just struggling on hopelessly against the tide of demands. Something has to give, and it need not necessarily be you.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Hermit

June 29, 2012
The Hermit

The Hermit guards ancient esoteric truths nurtured and harvested away from the bustle of everyday life. He seeks his own path through dark, little frequented byways of the human soul. His patient introspection uncovers secrets of the soul that the turmoil of daily life tends to obscure, and whose importance often only manifests in times of trouble.
The Hermit in a reading can represent either an attitude required of the questioner in the current situation, or someone nearby with the detachment to see the way forward. Prudence, patience, and caution are all suggested by this card, and also a need for withdrawal and contemplation. Don’t rush into anything until you properly understand what is going on. Be more eager to listen than to speak.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Five of Wands

June 28, 2012
Five of Wands

Gold, opulence, and splendor come your way, but a rival is threatening your position. Resist the urge to score points and your enemy will end up exposing their own pettiness. Competitiveness is healthy up to a point, but can become destructive if taken to extremes. Double-check everything you do, and the situation will resolve itself.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reversed Knight of Swords

June 27, 2012
Reversed Knight of Swords

This card represents arrogance, recklessness and misguided aggression. Instead of the courage to do battle if necessary, the Knight has become addicted to the thrill of fighting for its own sake.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Reversed Eight of Pentacles

June 26, 2012
Reversed Eight of Pentacles

There is a danger of wasting the opportunities in front of you through vanity and indiscipline. Thinking purely in the short term means that you are likely to miss a very real chance to make an impact upon the world. Avoid borrowing money just now.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Page of Cups

June 25, 2012
Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is the ideal student - patient, receptive, docile, and eager to learn. Often the card represents the need for such an attitude if you are to progress. There are times for assertion and times for humility, and this is one of them. If it represents another person, it means someone nearby is willing to learn from you, although they may be too shy to ask.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


June 24, 2012

Life is often unfair, and luck counts for more than we care to admit in realizing our dreams. Opposed to this, however, is the natural human thirst for fairness represented by the eighth card of the Major Arcana which recalls Themis, the ancient Greek goddess of Justice, with her scales and her sword of discernment, in this case supported by the dragon of higher wisdom. She represents an ideal that we may strive toward.
Justice reveals a judgement in your favor as you receive your just rewards. This can be uncomfortable for those who have strayed beyond morality, but usually this card signals good fortune for you and a happy outcome to current negotiations. The card signals a good time for drawing up contracts, settling outstanding debts and obligations, and laying the foundations for the future.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ace of Pentacles

June 23, 2012
Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles represents perfect contentment and is often considered the luckiest card in the pack. The benefits are mainly material, but should promote a general sense of well-being that spills over into the emotional and spiritual spheres. This is a good time for beginning a new business venture or career. It can mean an unexpected windfall that will enable you to realize long-cherished dreams.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Two of Cups

June 22, 2012
Two of Cups

Friendship and romance are in the air. New and profitable partnerships at work are also likely and could change the long-term direction of your life. The beginning of any relationship lays its foundations and shapes its development, so now is a time for putting aside all selfish and petty urges. Be your best self, and it will bring out the best in others.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Reversed Chariot

June 21, 2012
Reversed Chariot

The Chariot shows a young man hurtling along on a great adventure, drawn by two powerful yet quarrelsome dragons that require all his strength and determination to control. Like yin and yang, they represent qualities that are neither good nor bad in themselves, but which naturally tend to clash and get out of balance.
Discouragement, quarrels, and defeat are indicated by the card in the reversed position. The charioteer fails to control his fractious steeds and plunges to disaster. Great undertakings need loyal allies and a firm grasp of detail which, if overlooked, can bring the dream crashing down. This card can indicate a journey beset by delays, or becomes a flight from reality.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Hanged Man

June 20, 2012
The Hanged Man

As with the Death card, the Hanged Man is much less ominous than he first appears. Although suspended over an abyss, our man is serene and seems almost to be enjoying his novel view of the world, perhaps because he knows it will give fresh insights when he is back on his feet again. Like the Fool, he cares little for dignity or even danger, and trusts in a higher wisdom to show him the way.
You are at a life crossroads at which sacrifices and patience are needed if the right choices are to be made. Submit gracefully, and all will be well. Life needs to be viewed from a fresh angle, and what may seem a total distraction to your plans may just take you in a fresh, creative direction. You may feel you are wasting time hanging around, but it will prove to be well worth your while.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Hierophant

June 19, 2012
The Hierophant

The Hierophant represents a leader of established religion. He is the natural counterpart of The High Priestess, but he has formal and even political power that often blinds him to the spiritual values he guards. While often providing real community comfort to his followers, obsession with history and tradition often blinds him to new spiritual developments.
Providing comfort, security, the wisdom of the ages, and generosity in others' time of need are among the many virtues of the Hierophant that make him someone to turn to in troubled times. But inflexibility - a lack of openness to change - can often negate these virtues. Too great a reverence for the past can become hostility toward all change, and the Hierophant symbolizes an obstacle to growth. He can also indicate marriage or other lasting union.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Reversed Six of Wands

June 18, 2012
Reversed Six of Wands

Delays, treachery, and misunderstandings bring life to a standstill. Possible openings fail to materialize, and colleagues let you down. The only remedy for this disappointment is patience and good humor. The mood of the times will eventually change.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Six of Cups

June 17, 2012
Six of Cups

Nostalgia is likely to affect you as you become aware of just how many current events have their roots way back in your distant past. This is healthy up to a point because you will soon face a major life choice, and drawing upon the lessons of the past can help ensure that you make the right decision in the near future. Also, seek the advice of old friends.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Knight of Wands

June 16, 2012
Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is a versatile warrior, armed and fearlessly ready for action. The card signifies departures, change, and adventures into the unknown. It's a warning to keep your eyes and ears open, because you are surrounded by challenge. But if, like the Knight (or with his help), you face it with courage, flexibility, and imagination, there's every reason that you should triumph in the end.

Friday, June 15, 2012

King of Pentacles

June 15, 2012
King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is wealthy, confident, commanding, inspiring, intelligent, mathematical, straightforward, and determined. He is conservative, hard working, and leads by example. He is equivalent to Jupiter in astrology, the jovial ruler of the other planets and bounteous dispenser of wealth, which he naturally attracts. He is a loyal friend, a wise counselor, and a reliable, if cautious, partner.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Page of Pentacles

June 14, 2012
Page of Pentacles

Intuitive, sensitive, creative, and hard-working, the Page is a successful student with psychic tendencies of which he is not always conscious. The card can signify good news such as success in a test or examination, or the attitude needed to make it happen. He can be a bit of a dreamer, though, so engrossed in whatever project he is focused upon that everyday life may fall apart around him.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Two of Wands

June 13, 2012
Two of Wands

A possible partnership offers a way of furthering your ambitions. Unnecessary self-doubt is blocking your way, however, so you need to be decisive and trust in your instincts. Or, if this is not possible, ally yourself to someone who has that confidence. The prospects are good - just have faith.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nine of Pentacles

June 12, 2012
Nine of Pentacles

You are likely to receive substantial reward for your accomplishments, and you will be able to afford to relax and enjoy your more contemplative inclinations. Don't shut out your family and friends, however, because they have had to put up with your darker moods and have probably helped you through them much more than you know.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ace of Cups

June 11, 2012
Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups represents the beginning of a period of joy, abundance, friendship, fertility, love, and just about every other good thing you can think of on the emotional plane. It stands for the promise of being able to act out your dreams in a period of happy creativity while enjoying yourself along the way and being appreciated by those around you. Nonetheless, it will call upon all your finest qualities.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Page of Swords

June 19, 2012
Page of Swords

The Page of Swords represents someone who is adept at uncovering secrets and unravelling mysteries - a problem-solver, sleuth, and possibly even a spy. He can be trusted with secrets when given good reason. He is a good diplomat with a keen eye for creative compromise, able to act on his own initiative, and only give away what is necessary to achieve a goal. His taste for secrecy can be taken too far, however.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Reversed Devil

June 09, 2012
Reversed Devil

Like the Death and Hanged Man cards, to the uninitiated the Devil is far less ominous than he first appears. However, his arrival in a reading does warn of the very real danger of being lead astray by false lights, empty promises, or shallow pleasures. Enslavement of one sort or another is threatened by the Devil, who often comes in the most seductive guises, but you can choose how you respond to his advances.
The reversed card signifies the end of an ill-starred period of delusion, when it's time to crawl from the ruins and begin again. there is still some danger, but if you listen to the promptings of the angel on one shoulder and ignore the devil on the other, you can find renewal.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Queen of Cups

June 08, 2012
Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is warm, loving, sensitive, maternal, and eager to heal all the world's wounds. She is also practical, honest, and imaginative. Her imagination can be expressed through art, but more commonly through helping others to relate to each other. Warm and playful, she is the ideal lover or parent because of he generosity and talent for putting people at ease.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reversed Five of Wands

June 07, 2012
Reversed Five of Wands

When this card is reversed, the situation becomes almost unbearable and it may be necessary to appeal to some higher authority to remove the threat, but be sure of your legal case before you do so.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ace of Wands

June 06, 2012
Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands represents the beginning of some great new practical venture or career. The time is right for putting your boldest ideas into action, pushing the back the boundaries of possibility, and sharing your enthusiasm with the world. Now, when everything is flowing your way, is the time to exercise your talents, stake out your territory, and show the world what you can do.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reversed King of Wands

June 05, 2012
Reversed King of Wands

The King reversed becomes severe, demanding, temperamental, intolerant, and aggressive, prone to being prejudice, and overbearing. This card can signal the danger of a dispute with someone both powerful and unwilling to see your point of view.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Reversed Ace of Cups

June 04, 2012
Reversed Ace of Cups

Emotional upheaval, sterility, relationship break-up, the collapse of hopes, betrayal, and insecurity, especially in personal relationships. Summon your inner strengths.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Reversed Five of Cups

June 03, 2012
Reversed Five of Cups

Unexpected news arrives, and possibly in the form of a surprise visit from an old friend who will lift your spirits and suggest new ideas and ways forward. They may also remind you of past events that you would rather forget, but try if you can to learn their lessons.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Emperor

June 02, 2012
The Emperor

Where the Emperor differs most from the Empress, his consort, is in the directness of his approach to problems. He rules by decree and command, quick and confident in his wisdom and sense of justice. He is ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve his aims. This card represents will and authority.
The Emperor represents earthly power achieved through force of will, including war if necessary, though usually the card stands for stability, wealth, justice and the dominance of reason over emotion. It can represent an authority figure at work or in the family, or the attitude necessary to carry plans through to fruition. Sometimes it's necessary to put aside reflection and sympathy, and simply act.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Reversed Seven of Pentacles

June 01, 2012
Reversed Seven of Pentacles

Strife and disorder threaten through lack of a sense of direction and clear purpose. In the end no one else can say exactly what you have to do right now; because some decisions have to be made alone. Bear in mind, however, the self-pity is always the worst advisor.