Thursday, July 31, 2014

Reversed Knight of Cups

July 31, 2014
Reversed Knight of Cups

Like all crushed romantics, the Knight reversed becomes cynical, bitter, deceitful, treacherous, and self-serving. The card symbolizes loss and the bitterness disappointment can bring, and its poisonous effect on relationships.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Two of Cups

July 30, 2014
Two of Cups

Friendship and romance are in the air. New and profitable partnerships at work are also likely and could change the long-term direction of your life. The beginning of any relationship lays its foundations and shapes its development, so now is a time for putting aside all selfish and petty urges. Be your best self, and it will bring out the best in others.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


July 29, 2014

The Hierophant represents a leader of established religion. He is the natural counterpart of The High Priestess, but he has formal and even political power that often blinds him to the spiritual values he guards. While often providing real community comfort to his followers, obsession with history and tradition often blinds him to new spiritual developments.
Providing comfort, security, the wisdom of the ages, and generosity in others' time of need are among the many virtues of the Hierophant that make him someone to turn to in troubled times. But inflexibility - a lack of openness to change - can often negate these virtues. Too great a reverence for the past can become hostility toward all change, and the Hierophant symbolizes an obstacle to growth. He can also indicate marriage or other lasting union.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Knight of Swords

July 28, 2014
Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is bold and enthusiastic, but also imaginative and clever like his Queen. He is a great champion of good causes and inspires others by his idealism and dedication to any cause he adopts. He is decisive and, while others dither over a course of action, he will just plunge headlong into it and generally win the day. He is a symbol of creative upheaval, usually leading to success.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


July 26, 2014

Like that of the Magi over Bethlehem, the great Star is the portent of a new beginning. The change will take time to manifest, but this most optimistic card signals the return of hope after a period of trial and tribulation. The dragon pouring Water of Life into the lake and onto the land is Truth, whose blinding clarity lights the path from trouble to peace.
Like the return of spring after winter, the Star signals rebirth in any or all aspects of life, and the relaxing of restraints. After an illness, The Star card indicates the return of health. After a period of frustration in relationships or work, it promises the return of joy and blossoming of new partnerships. This is a good time to begin any new venture, and also to travel.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Reversed King of Cups

Reversed King of Cups

His creativity turns to idle dreaming, dishonesty, fickleness, and an inability to see projects through to the end. Disappointment leads him to escapism and addiction, and his bitterness makes him a treacherous friend and bad enemy.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Reversed Page of Cups

July 24, 2014
Reversed Page of Cups

The card represents an unwillingness to accept responsibility as fickleness, childishness, and self- absorption are masked as obedience. Such people can flatter others into taking them on, but will be unable to live up to the expectations they raise

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is wealthy, confident, commanding, inspiring, intelligent, mathematical, straightforward, and determined. He is conservative, hard working, and leads by example. He is equivalent to Jupiter in astrology, the jovial ruler of the other planets and bounteous dispenser of wealth, which he naturally attracts. He is a loyal friend, a wise counselor, and a reliable, if cautious, partner.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Page of Pentacles

July 22, 2014
Page of Pentacles

Intuitive, sensitive, creative, and hard-working, the Page is a successful student with psychic tendencies of which he is not always conscious. The card can signify good news such as success in a test or examination, or the attitude needed to make it happen. He can be a bit of a dreamer, though, so engrossed in whatever project he is focused upon that everyday life may fall apart around him.

Monday, July 21, 2014


July 21, 2014

The female subduing the dragon represents humanity taming its wilder instincts and channeling them to useful purpose. Unlike St. George who merely killed his dragon, she tames hers and gains its respect, adding its strengths to her own and becoming invincible. She is related to Artemis, or Diana the Huntress, and other pagan Queens of the Beasts.
This card signifies success through meeting problems head-on and overcoming them by strength of will. Perseverance, courage, and determination combined with intelligence and modesty make an irresistible combination not only for tackling adversity but for encouraging others to come to your assistance. The strength of this card inspires others because it's triumph benefits all.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Knight of Wands

July 19, 2014
Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is a versatile warrior, armed and fearlessly ready for action. The card signifies departures, change, and adventures into the unknown. It’s a warning to keep your eyes and ears open, because you are surrounded by challenge. But if, like the Knight (or with his help), you face it with courage, flexibility, and imagination, there’s every reason that you should triumph in the end.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Reversed Hierophant

July 18, 2014
Reversed Hierophant

The Hierophant represents a leader of established religion. He is the natural counterpart of The High Priestess, but he has formal and even political power that often blinds him to the spiritual values he guards. While often providing real community comfort to his followers, obsession with history and tradition often blinds him to new spiritual developments.
Reversed, the Hierophant becomes unconventional but also weak, gullible, and unreliable. In a spread, this card often indicates a need for unconventional solutions, but may warn of treachery from colleagues and superiors. Postpone long-term commitments until the situation clears.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Knight of Swords

July 17, 2014
Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is bold and enthusiastic, but also imaginative and clever like his Queen. He is a great champion of good causes and inspires others by his idealism and dedication to any cause he adopts. He is decisive and, while others dither over a course of action, he will just plunge headlong into it and generally win the day. He is a symbol of creative upheaval, usually leading to success.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Reversed Seven of Pentacles

July 16, 2014
Reversed Seven of Pentacles

Strife and disorder threaten through a lack of sense of direction and clear purpose. In the end no one can say exactly what you have to do right now; because some decisions have to be made alone. Bear in mind, however, that self-pity is always the worst advisor.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ten of Cups

July 15, 2014
Ten of Cups

This card represents a happy home life, contentment at work, and good standing in the community, all of which are a result of diligent application and energy. You have established a stable and honored place for yourself and your loved ones in the world. Traditionally, this is the luckiest card in the Tarot for newlyweds.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Reversed Page of Cups

July 14, 2014
Reversed Page of Cups

The card represents an unwillingness to accept responsibility as fickleness, childishness, and self- absorption are masked as obedience. Such people can flatter others into taking them on, but will be unable to live up to the expectations they raise.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Reversed Two of Wands

July 11, 2014
Reversed Two of Wands

A possible disappointment from someone you have trusted leads you to question your own judgement. This does no harm as long as it is not taken too far. Make sure that any partners, in business and in personal relationships, are pulling their weight.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Reversed Sun

July 10, 2014
Reversed Sun

The Sun radiates its blessing upon the world, its benevolent dragon breathing warmth and life into nature. The garden wall by which the children happily play signifies the shelter provided by an ordered world. The card symbolizes the joys of peace and civilization that allow all things, not at least the arts, to bloom. Amid such conditions almost any new enterprise you contemplate will flourish.
There is a great and achievable ambition almost within your grasp, but obstacles block the way. Perseverance is called for, and careful planning. This no time for great leaps forward, but for concentrating on one sure step at a time and being patient about your goal.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Six of Cups

July 09, 2014
Six of Cups

Nostalgia is likely to affect you as you become aware of just how many current events have their roots way back in your distant past. This is healthy up to a point because you will soon face a major life choice, and drawing upon the lessons of the past can help ensure that you make the right decision in the near future. Also, seek the advice of old friends.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


July 08, 2014

The Moon of inspiration rises over the gateway to the unconscious while dragons serenade it and the crab or crayfish of Cancer hesitates, scared of leaving it's natural medium. This card suggests the need to shake off convention and follow your instincts and intuitions. Pay attention to your dreams, because they will be full of hints of how to address the major issue that has arisen, or is about to.
A choice needs to be made that could determine your happiness for a long time ahead. You need to be guided by intuition and feelings when making this choice, but at the same time there is a real danger of delusion, of being misled by wishful thinking, or by someone whose judgement you trust. Times like this are true tests of character and your grasp on reality.

Monday, July 7, 2014


July 07, 2014

The female subduing the dragon represents humanity taming its wilder instincts and channeling them to useful purpose. Unlike St. George who merely killed his dragon, she tames hers and gains its respect, adding its strengths to her own and becoming invincible. She is related to Artemis, or Diana the Huntress, and other pagan Queens of the Beasts.
This card signifies success through meeting problems head-on and overcoming them by strength of will. Perseverance, courage, and determination combined with intelligence and modesty make an irresistible combination not only for tackling adversity but for encouraging others to come to your assistance. The strength of this card inspires others because it's triumph benefits all.