Friday, March 31, 2017

King of Cups

Mar 31, 2017
King of Cups

The King is generous, honest, level-headed, kind, and cultured. He takes his responsibilities seriously and champions peace and the arts of civilization. He can be a formidable opponent in war, but only as a last resort. He is a great patron of the arts and sciences, and when in a favorable position in a spread his presence should be taken as encouragement to make plans on a grand scale.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Reversed Fool

Mar 30, 2017
Reversed Fool

The Fool represents the wild optimism of youth, rushing into adventures with no thought for the consequences. Although this impulsiveness often leads to disaster, especially in mature people who should know better, it is what makes the world turn. The dragonet snapping at the Fool's foot symbolizes his cautious conscience, warning him not to get too carried away and fall off the edge.
This is an unlucky warning of imminent danger unless the person it refers to pulls themselves together and starts acting responsibly. All the Fool's worst qualities of fecklessness and lack of commitment are about to demand a heavy price. His confidence will prove hollow.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Reversed Knight of Swords

Mar 29, 2017
Reversed Knight of Swords

This card represents arrogance, recklessness and misguided aggression. Instead of the courage to do battle if necessary, the Knight has become addicted to the thrill of fighting for its own sake.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Reversed Knight of Pentacles

Mar 28, 2017
Reversed Knight of Pentacles

The reversed Knight of Pentacles represents stagnation, cowardice, inertia, and laziness. It shows a life in danger of losing its way through idleness and lack of imagination, cultivating narrow prejudices about others that sooner or later backfire.

Monday, March 27, 2017


Mar 27, 2017

The young couple joining hands within the dragon's embrace are entering the adventure of a shared life, buoyed by the optimism of youth and within the embrace of high wisdom. There may be troubles ahead, but for now the pair take simple joy in each other's company, confident that together they will be a match for anything that comes. The card suggests a happy union in either the private or work spheres.
Generally this card represents love or friendship on the worldly plane, marking a kindling or re-kindling of affection after troubles have been overcome. A major commitment could seriously affect the course of your life, and the climate is right for it to be a lasting and fruitful union. Complete honesty and trust are all that are needed to make the union work.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Six of Pentacles

Mar 23, 2017
Six of Pentacles

A very promising outlook for new ventures is forecast, which calls for the exercise of all your best talents. Creativity flourishes in this situation, so bring out the artist or craftsman in you and do your best. You have a chance to prove your mastery to the world and reap the rewards. Integrity is everything.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Six of Cups

Mar 22, 2017
Six of Cups

Nostalgia is likely to affect you as you become aware of just how many current events have their roots way back in your distant past. This is healthy up to a point because you will soon face a major life choice, and drawing upon the lessons of the past can help ensure that you make the right decision in the near future. Also, seek the advice of old friends.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Reversed Seven of Pentacles

Mar 21, 2017
Reversed Seven of Pentacles

Strife and disorder threaten through a lack of sense of direction and clear purpose. In the end no one can say exactly what you have to do right now; because some decisions have to be made alone. Bear in mind, however, that self-pity is always the worst advisor.

Monday, March 20, 2017


Mar 20, 2017

The Moon of inspiration rises over the gateway to the unconscious while dragons serenade it and the crab or crayfish of Cancer hesitates, scared of leaving it's natural medium. This card suggests the need to shake off convention and follow your instincts and intuitions. Pay attention to your dreams, because they will be full of hints of how to address the major issue that has arisen, or is about to.
A choice needs to be made that could determine your happiness for a long time ahead. You need to be guided by intuition and feelings when making this choice, but at the same time there is a real danger of delusion, of being misled by wishful thinking, or by someone whose judgement you trust. Times like this are true tests of character and your grasp on reality.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Three of Cups

Mar 16, 2017
Three of Cups

A fresh start leading to success is offered. Problems that have been troubling you for a while will finally be resolved, leading to a renewed sense of purpose and direction. This card can signal the birth of a new child, new love, friendship, or even career: whichever it is will lead to joy and abundance.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Two of Cups

Mar 15, 2017
Two of Cups

Friendship and romance are in the air. New and profitable partnerships at work are also likely and could change the long-term direction of your life. The beginning of any relationship lays its foundations and shapes its development, so now is a time for putting aside all selfish and petty urges. Be your best self, and it will bring out the best in others.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Eight of Wands

Mar 14, 2017
Eight of Wands

The Eight indicates sudden progress that is possibly too fast for comfort, so try to slow things down a little and avoid over-hasty decisions that you might later regret. This is an exciting and well-starred time with travel, new business partnerships, and long-term romance all likely - just bear in mind that life is not always this easy, and plan for those rainy days.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Eight of Swords

Mar 13, 2017
Eight of Swords

Criticism, blame, or possible illness frustrate your plans and require patience to overcome. Judgement is tried and tested at times like this, but it is important to remember that there is no better way to test the value of your beliefs, especially if you have the humility to adapt them to reality.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Reversed Six of Swords

Mar 10, 2017
Reversed Six of Swords

Some kind of declaration will signal the beginning of a whole new way of life. Your situation may feel like a stalemate, but know that it is about to change - just be ready to seize the moment. Remember that your determined effort always bears fruit.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Reversed Two of Pentacles

Mar 09, 2017
Reversed Two of Pentacles

Although there is a sense of unreality surrounding some current relationships, it is worth persevering – however, do watch out for ulterior motives in your partners. Get all agreements down in writing so there can be no arguments later.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Knight of Pentacles

Mar 08, 2017
Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is useful, reliable, patient, persistent, and loyal. He is cautious by nature, preferring evolution to revolution, but has courage enough when it is called for. He is not a great one for spiritual quests, preferring prizes you can hold in the hand over those of the heart and soul. A happy measure of wealth may come your way, but beware of reckless spending.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Reversed Star

Mar 07, 2017
Reversed Star

Like that of the Magi over Bethlehem, the great Star is the portent of a new beginning. The change will take time to manifest, but this most optimistic card signals the return of hope after a period of trial and tribulation. The dragon pouring Water of Life into the lake and onto the land is Truth, whose blinding clarity lights the path from trouble to peace.
When reversed, the card signals failure, wrong choices, disappointment, and confusion. Although it stops short of promising imminent disaster, the Star reversed warns of the danger of trusting to false promises and unrealistic schemes that will lead nowhere. Optimism is usually a blessing, but when it is ungrounded in reality it can become a curse.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Mar 06, 2017

With one hand on the wand, the Magician gazes thoughtfully down at the symbols of the four Tarot suits, contemplating his next move. They are emblems of the four elements, whose interactions create the endless variety of life; and by the judicious balancing of one against the other, enchantment can be brought into the world. The Magician is related to Hermes the messenger, patron of tricksters and alchemists.
This card signals originality and inventiveness. This is a lucky time for new undertakings. Everything will come together, and when you speak you will be believed because of your evident sense. Inspiration, too, will come when you most need it, helping you tackle unforeseen challenges.This is a good time to travel and favors any travel plans you have.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Reversed Seven of Swords

Mar 02, 2017
Reversed Seven of Swords

You face a setback to your plans and even face possible betrayal by a partner or a business colleague - however, don't allow yourself to become disheartened by this negative behavior. Seek advice from those who have been through what you are facing now.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Mar 01, 2017

As the last card of the Major Arcana, the World signifies the achievement of ambitions, and success in the eyes of others. the Wyrm Ouroboros encircles the world to show the endless self-renewal of nature, flanked by the dragons of the four Minor Arcana suits; Air (Swords), Water (Cups), Fire (Wands), and Earth (Pentacles).
Upright, the World represents the favorable culmination of a long period of striving and hard work that meet at last with recognition and reward. It stands for completion, fulfillment, and the dawn of a period during which you can relax and refresh yourself before the need for major exertion rises again. This is a good time to take stock and catch up on neglected areas of your life.