Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Reversed Page of Cups

May 31, 2017
Reversed Page of Cups

The card represents an unwillingness to accept responsibility as fickleness, childishness, and self- absorption are masked as obedience. Such people can flatter others into taking them on, but will be unable to live up to the expectations they raise.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Reversed Page of Pentacles

May 30, 2017
Reversed Page of Pentacles

The dreaminess of the upright Page becomes a curse and the Page tries to compensate by becoming prickly and demanding over things that do not really matter, lacking any true sense of proportion. He becomes unreliable and selfish.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Knight of Wands

May 29, 2017
Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is a versatile warrior, armed and fearlessly ready for action. The card signifies departures, change, and adventures into the unknown. It’s a warning to keep your eyes and ears open, because you are surrounded by challenge. But if, like the Knight (or with his help), you face it with courage, flexibility, and imagination, there’s every reason that you should triumph in the end.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Reversed Hermit

May 26, 2017
Reversed Hermit

The Hermit guards ancient esoteric truths nurtured and harvested away from the bustle of everyday life. He seeks his own path through dark, little frequented byways of the human soul. His patient introspection uncovers secrets of the soul that the turmoil of daily life tends to obscure, and whose importance often only manifests in times of trouble.
Reversed, the Hermit represents over-caution, enforced solitude, timidity, and fear of facing the world and honestly interacting with others. His meditations are an indulgence and excuse for avoiding life, and he misses chances to help others with his knowledge through hesitation, clumsiness, and lack of empathy.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Ten of Cups

May 25, 2017
Ten of Cups

This card represents a happy home life, contentment at work, and good standing in the community, all of which are a result of diligent application and energy. You have established a stable and honored place for yourself and your loved ones in the world. Traditionally, this is the luckiest card in the Tarot for newlyweds.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Two of Cups

May 24, 2017
Two of Cups

Friendship and romance are in the air. New and profitable partnerships at work are also likely and could change the long-term direction of your life. The beginning of any relationship lays its foundations and shapes its development, so now is a time for putting aside all selfish and petty urges. Be your best self, and it will bring out the best in others.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Reversed Eight of Cups

May 23, 2017
Reversed Eight of Cups

Gaiety, joy, and fellowship follow upon the realization of a dream achieved through perseverance and hard work. Difficult choices have been made and you have probably often wondered if you have been simply chasing a fantasy, but here you have the result.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Reversed World

May 22, 2017
Reversed World

As the last card of the Major Arcana, the World signifies the achievement of ambitions, and success in the eyes of others. the Wyrm Ouroboros encircles the world to show the endless self-renewal of nature, flanked by the dragons of the four Minor Arcana suits; Air (Swords), Water (Cups), Fire (Wands), and Earth (Pentacles).
The World in reversed position warns of disappointment, a lack of imagination, and failure to carry projects right through to the end. Much more perseverance, determination, and imagination are now needed if you hope to realize any of your dreams. Stagnation is bound to set in if you don't keep supplying fresh energy to your undertakings.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


May 18, 2017

The High Priestess is often equated to the Moon, or the veiled Isis, sister and wife of Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth. The book from which she is reading contains all the mysteries of both life and death, which she guards and shares with her initiates. Although a good teacher, she is also a slightly remote, self-contained figure who usually requires the help of more practical spirits to make her insights function in reality.
Inspiration, learning, mystery, understanding of the inner workings of life enlightenment, and serenity are all represented by this card, with a hint that serenity can sometimes lead to emotional detachment from daily events. Often this card implies that hidden spiritual factors are currently affecting your life, so look carefully within, or consult a respected advisor.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Reversed Ace of Cups

May 15, 2017
Reversed Ace of Cups

Emotional upheaval, sterility, relationship break-up, the collapse of hopes, betrayal, and insecurity, especially in personal relationships. Summon your inner strengths.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reversed Four of Cups

May 11, 2017
Reversed Four of Cups

New and rewarding friendships will help blow the cobwebs out of your life and suggest novel solutions to several long-standing problems. However, do beware over-indulgence that could threaten your health.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Two of Wands

May 10, 2017
Two of Wands

A possible partnership offers a way of furthering your ambitions. Unnecessary self-doubt is blocking your way, however, so you need to be decisive and trust in your instincts. Or, if this is not possible, ally yourself to someone who has that confidence. The prospects are good – just have faith.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Reversed Lovers

May 09, 2017
Reversed Lovers

The young couple joining hands within the dragon's embrace are entering the adventure of a shared life, buoyed by the optimism of youth and within the embrace of high wisdom. There may be troubles ahead, but for now the pair take simple joy in each other's company, confident that together they will be a match for anything that comes. The card suggests a happy union in either the private or work spheres.
Reversed, the card warns of heartache, disappointment, failure, and possible betrayal by a friend or lover. To cope you need to be cautious, consistent, and persevering, and plan wisely. Say what you mean and mean what you say, as this is no time for lazy assumptions or half-hearted commitments.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Seven of Swords

May 08, 2017
Seven of Swords

Hope appears after a long struggle, but keep your guard up. You face opposition to your plans and it would be wise to learn its source, but you can achieve your aims if you persevere and be certain of your facts. Avoid direct confrontation, however; instead, let your ideas speak for themselves.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


May 04, 2017

Like the Death and Hanged Man cards, to the uninitiated the Devil is far less ominous than he first appears. However, his arrival in a reading does warn of the very real danger of being lead astray by false lights, empty promises, or shallow pleasures. Enslavement of one sort or another is threatened by the Devil, who often comes in the most seductive guises, but you can choose how you respond to his advances.
Whether or not you are fully conscious of it, you or someone in close proximity are already bound to some self-destructive attachment that can only end in tears. It is time to listen to your own inner voice of wisdom and a way out will soon become clear. The misfortune threatened by this card is not a force of nature, but a consequence of choice.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Reversed Hermit

May 03, 2017
Reversed Hermit

The Hermit guards ancient esoteric truths nurtured and harvested away from the bustle of everyday life. He seeks his own path through dark, little frequented byways of the human soul. His patient introspection uncovers secrets of the soul that the turmoil of daily life tends to obscure, and whose importance often only manifests in times of trouble.
Reversed, the Hermit represents over-caution, enforced solitude, timidity, and fear of facing the world and honestly interacting with others. His meditations are an indulgence and excuse for avoiding life, and he misses chances to help others with his knowledge through hesitation, clumsiness, and lack of empathy.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Hanged Man

May 01, 2017
Hanged Man

As with the Death card, the Hanged Man is much less ominous than he first appears. Although suspended over an abyss, our man is serene and seems almost to be enjoying his novel view of the world, perhaps because he knows it will give fresh insights when he is back on his feet again. Like the Fool, he cares little for dignity or even danger, and trusts in a higher wisdom to show him the way.
You are at a life crossroads at which sacrifices and patience are needed if the right choices are to be made. Submit gracefully, and all will be well. Life needs to be viewed from a fresh angle, and what may seem a total distraction to your plans may just take you in a fresh, creative direction. You may feel you are wasting time hanging around, but it will prove to be well worth your while.