Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Apr 18, 2018

The female subduing the dragon represents humanity taming its wilder instincts and channeling them to useful purpose. Unlike St. George who merely killed his dragon, she tames hers and gains its respect, adding its strengths to her own and becoming invincible. She is related to Artemis, or Diana the Huntress, and other pagan Queens of the Beasts.
This card signifies success through meeting problems head-on and overcoming them by strength of will. Perseverance, courage, and determination combined with intelligence and modesty make an irresistible combination not only for tackling adversity but for encouraging others to come to your assistance. The strength of this card inspires others because it's triumph benefits all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Reversed Two of Pentacles

Apr 11, 2018
Reversed Two of Pentacles

Although there is a sense of unreality surrounding some current relationships, it is worth persevering – however, do watch out for ulterior motives in your partners. Get all agreements down in writing so there can be no arguments later.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Apr 03, 2018

As the last card of the Major Arcana, the World signifies the achievement of ambitions, and success in the eyes of others. the Wyrm Ouroboros encircles the world to show the endless self-renewal of nature, flanked by the dragons of the four Minor Arcana suits; Air (Swords), Water (Cups), Fire (Wands), and Earth (Pentacles).
Upright, the World represents the favorable culmination of a long period of striving and hard work that meet at last with recognition and reward. It stands for completion, fulfillment, and the dawn of a period during which you can relax and refresh yourself before the need for major exertion rises again. This is a good time to take stock and catch up on neglected areas of your life.