Friday, May 31, 2013


May 31, 2013

As the last card of the Major Arcana, the World signifies the achievement of ambitions, and success in the eyes of others. the Wyrm Ouroboros encircles the world to show the endless self-renewal of nature, flanked by the dragons of the four Minor Arcana suits; Air (Swords), Water (Cups), Fire (Wands), and Earth (Pentacles).
Upright, the World represents the favorable culmination of a long period of striving and hard work that meet at last with recognition and reward. It stands for completion, fulfillment, and the dawn of a period during which you can relax and refresh yourself before the need for major exertion rises again. This is a good time to take stock and catch up on neglected areas of your life.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Reversed Seven of Swords

May 30, 2013
Reversed Seven of Swords

You face a setback to your plans and even face possible betrayal by a partner or a business colleague - however, don't allow yourself to become disheartened by this negative behavior. Seek advice from those who have been through what you are facing now.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Knight of Pentacles

May 29, 2013
Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is useful, reliable, patient, persistent, and loyal. He is cautious by nature, preferring evolution to revolution, but has courage enough when it is called for. He is not a great one for spiritual quests, preferring prizes you can hold in the hand over those of the heart and soul. A happy measure of wealth may come your way, but beware of reckless spending.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


May 28, 2013

With one hand on the wand, the Magician gazes thoughtfully down at the symbols of the four Tarot suits, contemplating his next move. They are emblems of the four elements, whose interactions create the endless variety of life; and by the judicious balancing of one against the other, enchantment can be brought into the world. The Magician is related to Hermes the messenger, patron of tricksters and alchemists.
This card signals originality and inventiveness. This is a lucky time for new undertakings. Everything will come together, and when you speak you will be believed because of your evident sense. Inspiration, too, will come when you most need it, helping you tackle unforeseen challenges.This is a good time to travel and favors any travel plans you have.

Monday, May 27, 2013


May 27, 2013

The Hermit guards ancient esoteric truths nurtured and harvested away from the bustle of everyday life. He seeks his own path through dark, little frequented byways of the human soul. His patient introspection uncovers secrets of the soul that the turmoil of daily life tends to obscure, and whose importance often only manifests in times of trouble.
The Hermit in a reading can represent either an attitude required of the questioner in the current situation, or someone nearby with the detachment to see the way forward. Prudence, patience, and caution are all suggested by this card, and also a need for withdrawal and contemplation. Don’t rush into anything until you properly understand what is going on. Be more eager to listen than to speak.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


May 26, 2013

As the High Priestess stands at the gate of the Otherworld, the Empress guards this one. She represents the middle aspect of the the triple goddess who as Venus seduces man with her delicate charms, as Gaia or Demeter tends the garden of this world in which children grow to maturity, and as Isis ushers them into the next. The Empress is the ideal, selfless mother.
A mother, or mother-like figure, either a symbol of one's own mother or a reminder of the ideal. However, this card can simply signal a time of fertility and abundance. As a ruler the Empress is wise, generous, and scrupulously fair, giving a lead by subtle hint and example rather than direct order. This card suggests action and worldly success for any imminent enterprise, whether it be marriage, work or art.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Five of Pentacles

May 25, 2013
Five of Pentacles

Traditionally, this is a financially unlucky card, indicating problems and possible unemployment. Often these are caused simply by the fear of them happening, so you might be creating your own bad luck. By way of compensation, your love life should blossom, so try to be less materialistic. Occasionally, though, the card can signal a windfall.

Friday, May 24, 2013

High Priestess

May 24, 2013
High Priestess

The High Priestess is often equated to the Moon, or the veiled Isis, sister and wife of Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth. The book from which she is reading contains all the mysteries of both life and death, which she guards and shares with her initiates. Although a good teacher, she is also a slightly remote, self-contained figure who usually requires the help of more practical spirits to make her insights function in reality.
Inspiration, learning, mystery, understanding of the inner workings of life enlightenment, and serenity are all represented by this card, with a hint that serenity can sometimes lead to emotional detachment from daily events. Often this card implies that hidden spiritual factors are currently affecting your life, so look carefully within, or consult a respected advisor.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reversed Eight of Swords

May 23, 2013
Reversed Eight of Swords

A calamity or an accident threatens to derail your plans. All you can do in this situation is check any insurance documents you have, and prepare to be tested to the limit, bearing in mind that whatever doesn't break you only makes you stronger. Above all, don’t panic!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Reversed Ace of Swords

May 22, 2013
Reversed Ace of Swords

Reversed, the Ace of Swords represents danger, and the possible collapse of your dreams through arrogance and insensitivity. But it must be remembered that often grim endings are needed before fresh beginnings. Plan for the long term.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Five of Pentacles

May 21, 2013
Five of Pentacles

Traditionally, this is a financially unlucky card, indicating problems and possible unemployment. Often these are caused simply by the fear of them happening, so you might be creating your own bad luck. By way of compensation, your love life should blossom, so try to be less materialistic. Occasionally, though, the card can signal a windfall.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Six of Cups

May 20,2013
Six of Cups

Nostalgia is likely to affect you as you become aware of just how many current events have their roots way back in your distant past. This is healthy up to a point because you will soon face a major life choice, and drawing upon the lessons of the past can help ensure that you make the right decision in the near future. Also, seek the advice of old friends.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reversed Eight of Pentacles

May 19, 2013
Reversed Eight of Pentacles

There is a danger of wasting the opportunities in front of you through vanity and indiscipline. Thinking purely in the short term means that you are likely to miss a very real chance to make an impact upon the world. Avoid borrowing money just now.

King of Wands

May 18, 2013
King of Wands

The King of Wands is a charming leader who is energetic, honest, diplomatic, and generous. His fatherliness can tend toward being too trusting. Being naturally loyal and conscientious, he is a great friend in times of trouble, being unafraid to take up arms in a good cause. In a spread he can represent either the attitude needed to address the situation, or the person you should turn to for help.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Ten of Wands

May 17, 2013
Ten of Wands

Exhaustion threatens as you try to juggle the conflicting demands of work and family. Try to step back and reorganize your life in a more practical and realistic way, rather than just struggling on hopelessly against the tide of demands. Something has to give, and it need not necessarily be you.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reversed High Priestess

May 16, 2013
Reversed High Priestess

The High Priestess is often equated to the Moon, or the veiled Isis, sister and wife of Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth. The book from which she is reading contains all the mysteries of both life and death, which she guards and shares with her initiates. Although a good teacher, she is also a slightly remote, self-contained figure who usually requires the help of more practical spirits to make her insights function in reality.
Reversed, the card stands for shallowness, delusion, and selfishness - the tendency to assume that one is always right. despite contrary evidence. Poor judgement follows from a gullible acceptance of wishful occult thinking.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


May 15, 2013

The Fool represents the wild optimism of youth, rushing into adventures with no thought for the consequences. Although this impulsiveness often leads to disaster, especially in mature people who should know better, it is what makes the world turn. The dragonet snapping at the Fool's foot symbolizes his cautious conscience, warning him not to get too carried away and fall off the edge.
A new beginning with fresh adventures ahead, although there is a very real danger of it all going horribly wrong. The bag on the Fool's shoulder represents natural talents that he could employ usefully if he took the trouble to open the bag, but he generally doesn't. For wild optimists this card is a warning to try to temper enthusiasms with a little common sense. For pessimists, it suggests lightening up a bit.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Reversed Ace of Cups

May 14, 2013
Reversed Ace of Cups

Emotional upheaval, sterility, relationship break-up, the collapse of hopes, betrayal, and insecurity, especially in personal relationships. Summon your inner strengths.

Monday, May 13, 2013

King of Pentacles

May 13, 2013
King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is wealthy, confident, commanding, inspiring, intelligent, mathematical, straightforward, and determined. He is conservative, hard working, and leads by example. He is equivalent to Jupiter in astrology, the jovial ruler of the other planets and bounteous dispenser of wealth, which he naturally attracts. He is a loyal friend, a wise counselor, and a reliable, if cautious, partner.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Queen of Wands

May 12, 2013
Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is a mature, practical person with a great down-to-earth wisdom. Charming. sympathetic, and graceful, she is less outgoing than her bold King, but has very strong character and self-possession. She gets things done by talking to individuals rather than groups, and thus getting below the surface of events. Often she is the real leader of a group without it being noticed.