Thursday, October 30, 2014

Seven of Cups

Oct 30, 2014
Seven of Cups

Daydreaming threatens to distract you from pressing decisions that need to be made soon if you want to realize your hopes. Imagination is a wonderful faculty, but there is always a danger of it degenerating into mere wishful thinking. Divide your plans into distinct practical stages so that you can tell when they start to stray too far from reality.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Four of Pentacles

Oct 29, 2014
Four of Pentacles

Due reward comes after a long struggle, but you need to shrug off any lingering bitterness or sense of grievance if you are to enjoy it. There is some danger of you becoming a miser. Enjoy your good fortune, but also share it with others who probably did far more for you during the difficult times than you realized.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reversed Two of Pentacles

Oct 28, 2014
Reversed Two of Pentacles

Although there is a sense of unreality surrounding some current relationships, it is worth persevering – however, do watch out for ulterior motives in your partners. Get all agreements down in writing so there can be no arguments later.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Page of Pentacles

Oct 27, 2014
Page of Pentacles

Intuitive, sensitive, creative, and hard-working, the Page is a successful student with psychic tendencies of which he is not always conscious. The card can signify good news such as success in a test or examination, or the attitude needed to make it happen. He can be a bit of a dreamer, though, so engrossed in whatever project he is focused upon that everyday life may fall apart around him.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ace of Pentacles

Oct 25, 2014
Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles represents perfect contentment and is often considered the luckiest card in the pack. The benefits are mainly material, but should promote a general sense of well-being that spills over into the emotional and spiritual spheres. This is a good time for beginning a new business venture or career. It can mean an unexpected windfall that will enable you to realize long-cherished dreams.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Oct 24, 2014

As the last card of the Major Arcana, the World signifies the achievement of ambitions, and success in the eyes of others. the Wyrm Ouroboros encircles the world to show the endless self-renewal of nature, flanked by the dragons of the four Minor Arcana suits; Air (Swords), Water (Cups), Fire (Wands), and Earth (Pentacles).
Upright, the World represents the favorable culmination of a long period of striving and hard work that meet at last with recognition and reward. It stands for completion, fulfillment, and the dawn of a period during which you can relax and refresh yourself before the need for major exertion rises again. This is a good time to take stock and catch up on neglected areas of your life.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Oct 23, 2014

The young couple joining hands within the dragon's embrace are entering the adventure of a shared life, buoyed by the optimism of youth and within the embrace of high wisdom. There may be troubles ahead, but for now the pair take simple joy in each other's company, confident that together they will be a match for anything that comes. The card suggests a happy union in either the private or work spheres.
Generally this card represents love or friendship on the worldly plane, marking a kindling or re-kindling of affection after troubles have been overcome. A major commitment could seriously affect the course of your life, and the climate is right for it to be a lasting and fruitful union. Complete honesty and trust are all that are needed to make the union work.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ace of Swords

Oct 22, 2014
Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords signifies triumph through strength and determination, particularly in the intellectual or inventive spheres. It marks the beginning of a fresh era, a promotion perhaps, or some other kind of advancement. A danger of the intellectualism symbolized by Swords is that it can be applied equally to right and wrong causes, so you need to examine your true motives with care.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Six of Wands

Oct 21, 2014
Six of Wands

You benefit from triumphant and well-earned success as careful plans and hard work bear fruit. Be magnanimous in victory, and your moment of glory will be prolonged. This is no time for remembering petty insults and injuries suffered along the way because if you forget them, so will others.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Reversed Four Of Cups

Oct 17, 2014
Reversed Four Of Cups

New and rewarding friendships will help blow the cobwebs out of your life and suggest novel solutions to several long-standing problems. However, do beware over-indulgence that could threaten your health.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Two of Swords

Oct 16, 2014
Two of Swords

Friendship, including possible reconciliation with an old enemy, shows the way forward. Often the most fruitful partnerships are those based on underlying conflict because that way all the angles are covered, whereas like-minded people can simply reinforce each other's prejudices and only later discover their limitations in the wider world.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reversed Seven of Swords

Oct 15, 2014
Reversed Seven of Swords

You face a setback to your plans and even face possible betrayal by a partner or a business colleague - however, don't allow yourself to become disheartened by this negative behavior. Seek advice from those who have been through what you are facing now.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Reversed Six of Cups

Oct 13, 2014
Reversed Six of Cups

The immediate future promises to be full of interesting options and possibilities, but you may miss out on them if you spend too much time dwelling on the past. Nostalgia can be taken too far.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Reversed Four of Cups

Oct 11, 2014
Reversed Four of Cups

New and rewarding friendships will help blow the cobwebs out of your life and suggest novel solutions to several long-standing problems. However, do beware over-indulgence that could threaten your health.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Oct 10, 2014

Life is often unfair, and luck counts for more than we care to admit in realizing our dreams. Opposed to this, however, is the natural human thirst for fairness represented by the eighth card of the Major Arcana which recalls Themis, the ancient Greek goddess of Justice, with her scales and her sword of discernment, in this case supported by the dragon of higher wisdom. She represents an ideal that we may strive toward.
Justice reveals a judgement in your favor as you receive your just rewards. This can be uncomfortable for those who have strayed beyond morality, but usually this card signals good fortune for you and a happy outcome to current negotiations. The card signals a good time for drawing up contracts, settling outstanding debts and obligations, and laying the foundations for the future.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Reversed Three of Cups

Oct 08, 2014
Reversed Three of Cups

Disgrace and misfortune threaten as a result of over-indulgence and laziness. Selfishness threatens to sour a marriage or other close relationship. Although it is always hard to accept blame in these matters, it is time to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Seven of Wands

Oct 08, 2014
Seven of Wands

Success is likely, even though all the odds appear to be stacked against you. Victory will be all the sweeter for the effort it takes you, and sweeter still if you just quietly get on with doing whatever is necessary without complaint. Others may be trying to undermine you, but just talk things through with them openly and the threat will go away.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reversed Fool

Oct 07, 2014
Reversed Fool

The Fool represents the wild optimism of youth, rushing into adventures with no thought for the consequences. Although this impulsiveness often leads to disaster, especially in mature people who should know better, it is what makes the world turn. The dragonet snapping at the Fool's foot symbolizes his cautious conscience, warning him not to get too carried away and fall off the edge.
This is an unlucky warning of imminent danger unless the person it refers to pulls themselves together and starts acting responsibly. All the Fool's worst qualities of fecklessness and lack of commitment are about to demand a heavy price. His confidence will prove hollow.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Reversed Ten of Pentacles

Oct 06, 2014
Reversed Ten of Pentacles

Modest success is indicated. Your idea has worked but few recognize its full value, so you are left with having to content yourself with the knowledge that you have done a good job that might be appreciated one day. Family problems are likely when the Ten is reversed.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Oct 03, 2014

Few people relish the appearance of Death, but it is rarely a warning of physical death. This unlucky thirteenth card can represent calamity and endings, but mostly it signals fresh beginnings, for which something has to give way. The card signals the passage from one stage of life to another, which may involve sacrifice and pain, but there is no other way to renewal.
This card represents a creative revolution or transformation of life, probably involving the loss of friendly, family, or business connections, but only as the prelude to a fresh and rewarding phase of life. In physical health it can warn of a potential crisis if you pay no attention to warning signals, but the card is usually more concerned with spiritual health and the need for periodic renewal to avoid stagnation.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Six of Wands

Oct 02, 2014
Six of Wands

You benefit from triumphant and well-earned success as careful plans and hard work bear fruit. Be magnanimous in victory, and your moment of glory will be prolonged. This is no time for remembering petty insults and injuries suffered along the way because if you forget them, so will others.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Oct 01, 2014

As the last card of the Major Arcana, the World signifies the achievement of ambitions, and success in the eyes of others. the Wyrm Ouroboros encircles the world to show the endless self-renewal of nature, flanked by the dragons of the four Minor Arcana suits; Air (Swords), Water (Cups), Fire (Wands), and Earth (Pentacles).
Upright, the World represents the favorable culmination of a long period of striving and hard work that meet at last with recognition and reward. It stands for completion, fulfillment, and the dawn of a period during which you can relax and refresh yourself before the need for major exertion rises again. This is a good time to take stock and catch up on neglected areas of your life.